Covid-19 in the Czech Republic

Global Covid-19 Stats: As of December 1st, 2020

Covid19 Map.jpg
  • Total Cases: 63,824,424

  • Total Deaths: 1,478,311

  • Total Recovered: 44,187,918

United States Covid-19 Stats: As of December 1st, 2020

  • Total Cases: 13,933,653

  • Total Deaths: 274,743

  • Total Recovered: 8,230,001

Czech Republic Covid-19 Stats: As of December 1st, 2020

  • Total Cases: 523,298

  • Total Deaths: 8,295

  • Total Recovered: 451,607

There is no denying that 2020 has been an exhausting year. Towards the end of 2019, the Coronavirus reared its ugly head, and the world has been different ever since. Questions arose in all of our minds as to whether or not things would go back to normal. 2020 has seen its fair share of chaos, but the one thing that stands out during these trying times is the lack of social interaction. 

Governments around the world implemented social distancing and masks as a means to curb the spread of Covid-19. There are still some in the U.S who refuse to wear masks, despite overwhelming evidence given by medical experts, which shows that masks will aid in the return to normalcy. The guidelines couldn't be any clearer: N95 grade medical masks and even simple multilayered cloth masks are the best way to reduce the virus's spread.


Many countries, including the Czech Republic, quickly implemented medical experts' recommendations to curb the spread of the Coronavirus. At the start of the pandemic lockdowns in March, when personal protection equipment was in short supply, Czech Republic citizens took the issue upon themselves. They dusted off their old sewing machines to focus on the creation of cloth masks. A courageous group of volunteers created more than 600,000 cloth masks to distribute throughout the country to those most in need.

Discover how the Czech Republic handled the Arts during Covid-19.


The CDC maintains N95 masks are best to prevent the spread. However, with masks in short supply, N95 masks are more important to those working the frontlines in the battle against this virus. For those who aren't working in the medical field, a simple multilayered cloth mask is sufficient. Though masks aren't the only way to help contain the virus and keep it from spreading. 

The hard truth about 2020 is that, while masks help, social distancing is the best way to prevent the spread. Large groups of people are a ripe feeding ground for any virus. Even with the implementation of face coverings, parties, concerts, pubs, and holiday dinners with family can be dangerous affairs. 


The Czech Republic proved competent in their ability to follow the social distancing guidelines and the use of masks. They managed to bring the total number of cases down to zero, ending their first wave of Covid-19 in their region around July 1st, 2020. With the lockdown jitters fresh in everyone's mind, and with the supposed end of Covid-19, the only thing left to do was to celebrate the virus's expulsion from the Czech Republic.

After being locked up in their homes for months, the Charles Bridge celebration was the perfect reprieve from the extensive social shutdown. A massive feast spanned the entire bridge as thousands gathered around a 500 meter long (1,640 ft) long table. The community-driven event saw a table stacked with food and drinks that people brought from their homes. 


The celebration might have come too soon, even though it was a vital relief for those wishing to get a break from the quarantine lifestyle that had taken over the world's social aspects. Nearly three months after the Charles Bridge celebration, the Coronavirus reared its ugly head in the Czech Republic once again, returning citizens into quarantine.

The country faced its second wave in October. Though the Czech Republic is currently planning to ease its restrictions as the case numbers have been in a steady decline in recent weeks. Restaurants and pubs will reopen in a limited capacity. However, Health Minister Jan Blatný warns that the Covid-19 risk level wouldn't be lowered before the end of the year.

 In the next article, we will discover what New Year's Eve will bring for those in the Czech Republic.

Written by James Lemons