Czech Easter Lamb Recipe

The Easter table isn't given as much significance as that of Christmas, but there is still food, particularly baked goods, prepared especially for this holiday as well. Just as fish, mainly carp, is associated with the Christmas feast, lamb and goat's meat, baked or fried, is associated with Easter. It was usually prepared with potatoes. Even before the days of Christianity, the symbol of the lamb was widespread in Mediterranean culture, with its long pastoral tradition. For Christian churches, the lamb came to symbolize the Lamb of God - Jesus Christ. In the southern Czech Sumava Mountains there used to be a tradition that blessing a lamb would help pilgrims to find their way through the forests. These days lamb is rarely eaten in the Czech Republic, but this does not mean that lamb has disappeared entirely from Czech Easter celebrations. It still appears in the form of a cake. Today, we will show you how to make Velikonoční Beránek or Easter Lamb cake.


First of all, you should use a dense cake batter so that the lamb will form a better shape and also it won’t collapse. The cake batter is up to you, you can use your own vegan, or gluten-free option if you want. Secondly, you need to make sure to butter and then either flour or bread crumb the pan, so your little friend does not stick and comes quickly out of the pan. Finally, decoration options are endless. You can use all type of topping from marshmallows or cotton candies for a fluffy sheep, pure white whipped cream or if you are a minimalist, you can just dust the cake with powder sugar, and it will still look delicious. You also need a lamb mold. To make ours, you can go to Amazon and buy a Nordic Ware Spring Lamb 3-D Cake Mold. We recommended leaving the cake cool overnight in the fridge so that It will be denser.


Try it, and let us know how it tastes. Also, we will have a FREE Children Easter Event “Egg painting and hunt”. We will show you the secrets on how to create perfect painted eggs with our egg painting visitor-artist. Just like the eggs we have at the museum. We will also give you the opportunity to a unique museum's egg hunt. So buy your tickets now and join us for an unforgettable evening!

The CCMH Egg Hunt: 12:00 PM

Egg Painting: 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM

🗓Saturday, April 20, 2019


  • 6 ounces melted butter

  • 4 eggs, separated

  • 2 1/4 cup sugar

  • 2 cups of milk

  • 5 cups all-purpose flour

  • 2 Tbsp baking powder

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or Czech rum for fragrance

  • Lamb 3-D Cake Mold


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 Fahrenheit

  2. Grease and bread crumb or flour your lamb mold.

  3. Separate your eggs into two bowls, a smaller one for the whites and a larger one for the yolks.

  4. Using your electric mixer, beat the yolks with half the sugar until a bright yellow color appears (about 3-4 minutes). Then add the milk and remaining sugar and beat another minute.

  5. Stir in the melted butter and begin to sift the flour, the baking powder. Mix for approx. 3 minutes and set aside.

  6. In the other bowl, use a clean whisk attachment and whip the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Fold into the yellow mixture and pour half of the batter into the face half of the form. (The back side half has a little hole in it for steam to escape. That is the part that should be on top).

  7. Bake for 45 minutes. Let mold cool on cake rack for five minutes or over night and carefully remove from mold.


This mold comes in two pieces. You pour the batter into the front piece and put the butt end on top of the front. It’s easy to figure out because the backside has two vents.