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Ten Popular Breweries in the Czech Republic

Ten Popular Breweries in the Czech Republic

Ten small breweries in the Czech Republic that you should Czech out!

Czech Street Food

Czech Street Food

Food is one aspect of culture that is almost universally accessible. For many traveling, trying different cuisines, especially street foods, is an exciting part of visiting a new country. The Czech Republic has its own unique kitchen, and although the popularity of street foods is still growing, there are some dishes that are well-known in the country.

“Veselé Velikonoce!”, Unique Czech Easter Traditions

“Veselé Velikonoce!”, Unique Czech Easter Traditions

Learn more about Czech Easter traditions such as pomlázkas.

Traveling the world from homes' safety

Traveling the world from homes' safety

Cooking Czech style dishes can be a great way to do all of these things. Czech cuisine consists of thick soups and many kinds of sauces, both based on stewed or cooked vegetables and meats, often with cream and baked meats with natural gravies, are popular dishes usually accompanied with beer, especially Pilsner. Czechia natives consume the most in the world. These dishes include ingredients that you already have in your home or readily available in most grocery stores.

Green Thursday in Czech Republic

Maundy Thursday, or Zelený čtvrtek (Green Thursday) as it’s known to the Czechs, is the last Thursday before Easter. Maundy Thursday commemorates the Washing of the Feet and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his apostles. But where did the name Green Thursday come from?

St. Nicholas Day and Christmas Markets

Did you know?

St Nicholas Day is an exceptional holiday in the Czech Republic and around the world.

Czech Easter Lamb Recipe

Czech Easter Lamb Recipe

The Easter table isn't given as much significance as that of Christmas, but there is still food, particularly baked goods, prepared especially for this holiday as well.

Bramborák or Czech Potato Pancakes

Bramborák or Czech Potato Pancakes

Potato pancakes turn up in most European cultures, from Polish placki to Swedish rarakor, German kartoffelpuffer, and Irish boxty.

5 Czech Christmas Traditions for this Holiday Season.

5 Czech Christmas Traditions for this Holiday Season.

It’s that time of year when the winter air nips your nose and Christmas cheer begins to spread across the world. So in honor of the Christmas season here are five Czech Christmas traditions to try: