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Houska Castle

Houska Castle is a castle located in the Liberec region of the Czech Republic near Lake Machovo, about 30 miles north of Prague. The castle was built in the Gothic style during the second half of the 13th century, and later underwent a Renaissance modification in the late 1500s. Parts of the castle include a chapel, a knight’s drawing room, and a green chamber. Several murals and frescos adorn the walls of the castle.

However, one notable aspect of the castle is the folklore that surrounds it, primarily that it was rumored to be built over a pit that was an entrance to Hell itself. In folklore, it is said that an entrance or portal to Hell was found at the site, a large pit that was so deep that no one could see the bottom. The Houska Castle was built around the pit with a chapel dedicated to Archangel Michael built directly on top of the pit to protect against the demons that reportedly aimed to escape. According to the legend, when construction began, a prisoner was lowered into the pit to report what he saw, and when he was brought back up to the surface, he was said to have aged 30 years. People claim that ghosts or demons lurk about the castle and cars mysteriously won’t start when near the castle. Of course, these are all simply rumors and folklore.

In actuality, the castle was built to serve as an administrative center for the royal estates of Ottokar II of Bohemia. However, the castle’s location, architecture, and murals did not help dissuade people from believing the folklore. The castle itself was built in a peculiar location of no strategic importance and was not located near any historic trade routes. The architecture of the castle appeared unusual with the defensive structures built inwards instead of external fortifications as was customary of the time.

Some individuals believe the intent was to keep “something” trapped within the castle walls instead of protecting the edifice from outside invaders. The castle lacked important facilities such as a kitchen or water source, as well as occupants upon its completion. The murals and frescoes within the chapel are also unusual, with several depicting demonic creatures and pagan rituals instead of the usual biblical images. It is these oddities that lend to the legend that the castle was built for the specific purpose of guarding against the demons at its heart.

Written by James Travis


Dehning, Michaela. “Dark Legends of Houska Castle.” Prague Daily Monitor, 2021.

“The Real Truth Behind Houska Castle.” Discovery Networks: UK, 2022.

Vanderper, David. “Houska Castle - Bohemia’s Tree Top Bastion ‘A Gothic Gateway to Hell.’” Academia, 2013.