
Hans Krasa and Terezin

Hans Krasa and Terezin

Born in 1899, Krasa was a young musical prodigy who composed his first songs at the age of ten. By the age of 39, he would compose his most famous song, Brundibar. By the age of 40, in 1939, the occupation of Czechoslovakia by Nazi Germany took place. After their occupation, Krasa was arrested by the Nazis and deported to the Terezin concentration camp, forced to compose as a part of a propagandic smokescreen.

Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich

Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich

"The Butcher of Prague" Reinhard Heydrich established himself as a ruthless authority among the Nazis, terrorizing Eastern Europe. Czechoslovakian president Eduardo Bene ordered a team of assassins to kill Heydrich. These assassins were Josef Gabcik, a former blacksmith and locksmith, and Jan Kubis, both of whom rose up the ranks in the Czech military. Of course there were others, 7, in fact, and if they were successful is written.

Helga Weiss - How a young Hero survived Terror through Art

Helga Weiss - How a young Hero survived Terror through Art

Through her diary and art, Helga Weiss tells her story of survival and coping through the Holocausts. After being transported to Terezín at age 14, Helga clung to writing and art, depicting everyday life in the camp. Today her diary and art are known by many and has reached millions.

Moon Landscape- Petr Ginz and an Astronauts Legacy

Moon Landscape- Petr Ginz  and an Astronauts Legacy

Born in 1928, Petr Ginz grew up in a Jewish household to half Jewish parents.