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Middle East

Strings of Heritage: Exploring the Cimbalom

Strings of Heritage: Exploring the Cimbalom

The cimbalom is a unique instrument hailing from Slovak history. It is played by felt mallets, similar to drum sticks, which are hit against piano-like strings. A variety of sounds can be produced by the cimbalom, ranging from rolls to glissandos to staccatos. From the Byzantine era to the modern day, the cimbalom is an underrated, yet appreciated and distinguished instrument.

Mordecai Maisel: Jewish Influence in Prague

Mordechai Ben Šemuel Maisel was a businessman, philanthropist, Jewish community head, and builder of Prague’s Jewish town during the late 16th and early 17th centuries. He established a successful banking business and several silver and gold mines in Bohemia. Maisel’s financial success was instrumental to the tactical success of the Holy Roman Emperor’s forces during the Turkish Wars, which allowed him more financial freedoms and decisions that made him wealthier.