Old Town

History of the Czech National Theatre

History of the Czech National Theatre

The Czech Republic National Theatre serves as a reminder of the strength, persistence, and culture of its people and their history. It is remembered and held as a national symbol of the Czech Renaissance, its importance in the arts, and the unification of the people towards one goal, regardless of other factors. This theatre has had a long and fascinating history that continues today.

Prague Travel Guide

Prague Travel Guide

Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, is a popular destination for tourists. It is ranked as the 20th most visited city in the world and hosts around eight million tourists each year.

Picasso's Legacy in Prague

Picasso's Legacy in Prague

It is well known that the city of Prague in the Czech Republic is home to some of the world’s most beautiful buildings. It is also home to a piece of Pablo Picasso’s legacy, one of the best-known representations of Cubist architecture in the world, the House at the Black Madonna.