We Need Your Support To Continue Our Mission

When you donate to the CCMH you are supporting annual programming such as Czech language courses, live performances, art showcases, and engaging lectures.

Help us continue to encourage audience accessibility by providing additional FREE programming for the general public.

Your donations can make this possible!

Our goal is to raise $ 60,000

This will help the CCMH continue important children’s programming, community events, inspire learning, update exhibits & vital collection care.

Children’s Programming

Supporting children’s programming means funding Children’s day, Czech language immersion for kids, monthly kids yoga, and traditional holiday kids activities.

Donate Now!

Community Events

Help Fund community events like Movie nights, Czech Festivals, host a free concert series in 2025, AND provide live music for our happy hour open houses.


Inspire Learning

Help Fund Educational Programing including Czech language classes, engaging lectures, and author & artists conversation nights.


Improve Exhibits & Secure Our Collection

Among other display improvements, we would like to upgrade our Communism exhibit. Additionally, preserving our collection takes work. Our artifacts, traditional costumes, works of art, and books all require careful handling to ensure that they are available for future generations.


Support the Czech Center Museum Houston with your time and talents! We have a range of meaningful volunteer opportunities, whether you are looking to celebrate your heritage, meet like-minded people, or learn a new skill.