
Emperor Rudolf II: Prague's Patron of Arts and Science

Emperor Rudolf II: Prague's Patron of Arts and Science

Rudolf II, leader of the Holy Roman Empire, ruled from 1575-1612. His reign as emperor was nontraditional and he was well known for his patronage of arts and science. Under his rule, alchemists were protected and allowed to experiment and learn, making Prague one of the cultural centers of this scientific discipline. His rule also allowed artists from all over Europe to thrive and flourish, which artists noticed and greatly appreciated.

Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

It's quite a difficult thing to pin down an exact historical reason for any significant event. We can, however, follow the lives of a specific royal family and the events that surrounded their tragic lives. Over the course of a seventy-two year span, we will look at the events that led to the creation and dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.