
History of Czech Poetry Works

The history of Czech poetry goes as far back as the 9th century. It begins with the works of Saints Cyril and Methodius, who translated texts in the bible from Greek to Old Church Slavic, a language in which the first Czech poems were written. Since then, Czech poetry continued to flourish, even when the chosen languages of the Czechs continued to face challenges throughout the centuries. The apparent culmination of Czech poetic culture is of a poem, Máj, written by Karel Hynek Mácha.

Zdeněk Koubek: Competitive Sports and Gender

Zdeněk Koubek was a transgender track athlete who began his life fascinated by athletics, particularly after his family moved to Brno. He pulled his way up the sports ladder, beginning as a coach and instructor while training, breaking and setting national records, then winning two medals in the Women’s World Games. Koubek’s success, however, was met with doubt, as his androgyny caused the public to question the validity of his competitive success. The issues Zdeněk Koubek faced in the past reflects modern controversial topics in competitive sports.

The Hussite Reformation: Life of Jan Hus and the Church

In 1414, a Czech theologian named Jan Hus was called before the Council of Constance for heresy against the Catholic Church and Pope. Jan Hus had preached about the need to reform the corruption within the Church, desiring to adhere more to a more communal Christianity that he believed the New Testament spoke of, and for that he had been excommunicated numerous times. His life up to this point set the groundwork for the eventual history of the Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire to change forever.

The Bohemian Revolt: Battle and Execution

On November 8, 1620, the Bohemian army had lost the Battle of White Mountain, resulting in the Bohemian Revolt, which proved to have dire consequences on those who participated. For example, since the severity of punishment increased depending on the level of participation, those who held an official position or provided service had their property confiscated while the revolt leaders were given the death penalty. There were further consequences down the line which shaped Bohemia’s future.

Czech National Revival

A response to increased Germanization, the Czech National Revival revived Czech literature, language, history, and politics. Increased nationalism marked this period of cultural revival. The movement started before the 19th century with Czech intellectuals such as Josef Jungman and Josef Dobrovský becoming more discontent with the decrease in Czech culture, language, and national identity. Czech national identity also involved realism, rejecting the romanticism of the past, which was considered “anti-nationalist.” With the end of the Great War, the goals of the National Revival movement were successfully met.

The Bohemian Revolt: Defenestration and War

The decision in establishing an emperor’s successor would lead to a conflict that would spark the Thirty Years’ War. The Bohemian revolt initially started off in favor of the Bohemians, but it damaged diplomacy. Victory in this conflict for either side would hinge on the battle that would take place at White Mountain.

Rudolf II: The Intellectual yet Disastrous Emperor

Rudolf II desired to unify Christendom in the Empire and tried to take a tolerant stance on religious issues. Though he was an ineffectual ruler, he had a love for academics that helped spur the Scientific Revolution. He was known as “the greatest art patron in the world,” and philosophers, painters, alchemists, astronomers, architects, and mathematicians came to Prague to work under his patronage.

Dagmar Šimková (1929-1995)

Dagmar Šimková was a political prisoner during the communist repression. She suffered a long prison sentence and was able to pursue her education and help others in the prison system later in life. Šimková’s ordeals during her time as a political prisoner were shaped both by her femininity turned against her and her bonds with fellow prisoners that kept them together. Her most courageous acts involved hunger strikes in protest against the treatment of her fellow prisoners.

Emperor Rudolf II: Prague's Patron of Arts and Science

Emperor Rudolf II: Prague's Patron of Arts and Science

Rudolf II, leader of the Holy Roman Empire, ruled from 1575-1612. His reign as emperor was nontraditional and he was well known for his patronage of arts and science. Under his rule, alchemists were protected and allowed to experiment and learn, making Prague one of the cultural centers of this scientific discipline. His rule also allowed artists from all over Europe to thrive and flourish, which artists noticed and greatly appreciated.

The Defenestrations of Prague

The Defenestrations of Prague

The “Defenestrations of Prague” were significant events in Czech history where political and religious leaders were thrown out the window in protest to their policies.