St. Nicholas Day and Christmas Markets

Did you know?

St Nicholas Day is an exceptional holiday in the Czech Republic and around the world. The holiday is based on a real bishop named Saint Nicholas of Myra, who lived in the third century and was known for his generous gift-giving to children. Many traditions have developed around St Nicholas Day, and they differ by country. Even the date of the holiday changes in Western vs. Eastern countries (December 5/6 vs. December 19). Some traditions include leaving a shoe out for St Nicholas to fill with treats (Germany) or loading a donkey with gifts (France). St Nicholas is also the inspiration for Santa Claus, which is based on the Dutch version of his name, Sinterklaas.

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Today, in Czech tradition, it is celebrated by adults who dress up as three characters: St Nicholas (Mikuláš), an angel (andel), and a devil (čert). They give candy to good children and see to those who have been bad. In some cases, the devil threatens poorly behaved children with being thrown in a sack and carried off to Hell by the devil characters. The holiday is traditionally celebrated on December 5, the eve before St Nicholas Day in Czech culture. December 6 is the anniversary of Saint Nicholas’ death. Watch a video of the celebrations here:

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Markets are also part of the tradition, where merchants would sell baked goods, chocolate, and toys on St Nicholas Day. The tradition of the Christmas markets started as winter markets in the late Middle Ages and originated in German-speaking parts of Europe. The original winter markets were an opportunity for people to stock up on supplies for the winter but eventually grew to be part of the Christmas tradition around the 1300s in Vienna. The markets were typically held on the streets near the town square. Stalls sell a variety of goods in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Many famous Christmas markets exist today across European cities to carry on the tradition. In Prague, you are likely to see carp at the Christmas markets, a main food item for the Czech Christmas dinner. Popular food items at Christmas markets include also mulled wine, candied nuts, and handmade goods.

We will be celebrating St Nicholas Day, with the appearance of St Nicholas, at our Christmas market event on Saturday, December 7. Come join us at Czech Center Houston, 4920 San Jacinto St, to join in the celebrations!
