
Czech Street Food

Czech Street Food

Food is one aspect of culture that is almost universally accessible. For many traveling, trying different cuisines, especially street foods, is an exciting part of visiting a new country. The Czech Republic has its own unique kitchen, and although the popularity of street foods is still growing, there are some dishes that are well-known in the country.

Fishy Christmas Traditions

Fishy Christmas Traditions

One can often perceive the richness of any culture merely by taking the time to sit and listen to the stories it tells. Czech traditions are no exception to this, and this time of year is saturated with history, customs, and celebration of the valuable inheritances we’ve received from those that came before us. Perhaps by peeking into the traditions still celebrated in the Czech Republic and abroad, one can learn something about the history carved into its roots.

“Veselé Velikonoce!”, Unique Czech Easter Traditions

“Veselé Velikonoce!”, Unique Czech Easter Traditions

Learn more about Czech Easter traditions such as pomlázkas.

Traveling the world from homes' safety

Traveling the world from homes' safety

Cooking Czech style dishes can be a great way to do all of these things. Czech cuisine consists of thick soups and many kinds of sauces, both based on stewed or cooked vegetables and meats, often with cream and baked meats with natural gravies, are popular dishes usually accompanied with beer, especially Pilsner. Czechia natives consume the most in the world. These dishes include ingredients that you already have in your home or readily available in most grocery stores.